Spilleliste (Playlist) Sort Kanal

Spillelista er satt opp slik:

  1. Artist: Melodi
    format, "Tittel på album", Plateselskap (platenummer)

25.03.2019: Nätverksensemblen The Hub (Risto Holopainen)

  1. The League of Automatic Music Composers: Radio Air Check
  2. The League of Automatic Music Composers: Oakland Four
  3. The Hub: VEX
  4. Perkis & Bischoff: Dovetail
  5. Bischoff: The Industrial Revolution
  6. The Hub: The Minister of Pitch
  7. The Hub: Hub X6
  8. The Hub: Tesla Sync
  9. The Hub: Boss
  10. Bischoff: Aperture

Opprettet: 25.03.2019 av Sort Kanal
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