Spilleliste (Playlist) Sort Kanal

Spillelista er satt opp slik:

  1. Artist: Melodi
    Format, "Tittel på album", Plateselskap, år (Platenummer)

20.08.2001: Harry Partch #2 — The Bewitched (Vidar Moen)

  1. Harry Partch: Prologue — The Lost Americans Mix Magic
  2. Harry Partch: Scene 4 — A Soul Tormented by Contemporary Music Finds a Humanizing Alchemy
  3. Harry Partch: Scene 5 — Visions Fill the Eyes of the Defeated Basketball Team in the the Shower Room
  4. Harry Partch: Scene 6 — Euphoria Descends a Sausalito Stairway
  5. Harry Partch: Scene 7 — Two Detectives of the Trail of a Tricky Culprit Turn in Their Badges
  6. Harry Partch: Scene 8 — A Court in Its Own Contempt Rises to a Motherly Apotheosis
  7. Harry Partch: Scene 9 — A Lost Political Soul Finds Himself Among The Voteless Women of Paradise
  8. Harry Partch: Scene 10 — The Cognoscenti are Plunged into a Demonic Descent While at Coctails
  9. Harry Partch: Epilogue
    CD, "The Harry Partch Collection Volume 4", CRI, 1997 (CD 754)

Det ble dessverre ikke plass til disse tre scenene:

  1. Scene 1 — Three Undergrads Become Transfigured in a Hong Kong Music Hall
  2. Scene 2 — Exercises in Harmony and Counterpoint are Tried in a Court of Ancient Ritual
  3. Scene 3 — The Romancing of a Pathological Liar Comes to an Inspired End

Du finner mer stoff om Harry Partch på http://www.corporeal.com/.

Opprettet: 20.08.2001 av Sort Kanal
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